Thursday, May 3, 2012

MarryKathrine: file

Hello my name is MarryKatherine but u can call me Mary 4 short.
i am a really good teleapath, was born with a power stone animal: a bunny, boy, called momo: and can controll the groth of roses and thornes
i am 3 years old have purple hair and eyes like my grandpa(dj) my mom is midnight godess and my dad is dainel
i dress in over the knee socks with shorts a hoodie that looks a lot like shirt. my personality is carefree, confident, loves a good laugh and stands up for my rights

 dont piss me of i know how to fight

this is me but when i am older and i did it for a costume party

that is my little bunny/power crystal

dont make him made ethier thats my little bunny!

Auntie Autumn found Momo!! i like your P.J.'s. are they for seven?

Seven u be nice auntie..or..
i will come after u...

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