Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WARNING: iam bored this page is random pictures of stuff some most haveno names

this guy looks yummy and he doesnt do drugs to look good either...well he smokes but thats it.
lol... i think that is jo and seth.. idk 4 sure
girl: what's this...
boy: a branch.
girl: no what type?
boy: not one you can eat.
girl: v-v but im hungry
boy:  :] i know something u could suck on...
girl: ^-^ oooo! is it a loolipop?
boy: *sigh* nevermind
girl: )= but i dont get it...

pretty future wedding...weddings are prettyful... thats why i like to CRASH THEM DRUNK AS HELL ^-^

1 comment:

  1. that future wedding looks like Leo and Heather! =D oh and that guy looks like Lorenzo....but it isnt ._.
