hello this is me, Johanna! i am now 14 and im just starting some high school i forgot the name of... ^-^
i have light brown hair color or a very dirty blonde hair color, i have a peachy eye color with reds and yellows so yeah
this is a necklace i must wear at all times

im am already getting teased because of my asthma, how i was in a hospital for the first part of my life, and how
"evil" i am because of
"red eyes".....gezz people,
Someone drew and is now posting this picture all over school saying that it is a photo of me, it dosen't even look like me! but people still believe damn gossip more than reality

but im gonna keep on staying happy! no matter what i'll see the bright side ^-^

my eyes
ONLY change to a night sky blueish color but very rarely
like the big meanies people are they are trying to call me a slut so they take pictures of me, apperntly they think "dirty blonde" means something else besides hair color, idoits.

1) i am taking of my tie while lying down because i am tired. is that wrong?

2)i am sitting on my table fixing my hair while putting shoes on at the same time because i was running late. wow.

3) while eating on the roof someone i know came up there to sit with me
(yes chopsticks cammie packed those as a joke) of course someone took a picture from behind his shoulder -.- well at least that persons idiotic plan isnt working.
i know different out fits, the school dosent know which one so new ones keep coming till they decide which is the best. so far different 5 uniforms.
i remember the name of the school! its Sunset Academy.
great that your staying strong, dont let the whole asthma thing get to you, me and Klaus both have asthma, sure it makes our live's alittle harder, but just remeber, nothing is impossiable
people say that your "evil" because of your eyes? thats a lie, they must be jealous of your sweet eye color, but believe me, haveing the whites of my eyes black and the color neon blue, it usualy send people running in the other direction, but i've made some great friends
lol thanks alot guys! i actually like your eyes Elizabeth, i think they are cool.