Monday, April 16, 2012


the triplets when they were to young to remember...
 Moonstar, Windstorm and, Meadow

long hair is windstorm, pigtails is meadow and the braid is moonstar, this memory was erased. i am trying to figure out why all their memory's of each other were erased!!!

 willow drew this one. Top, windstorm. Middle, meadow. Bottom is moonstar.

Blue is Moonstar, red is Windstrom and yellow is Meadow

 hollowening party thats Alex and June

These are pictures of Sasha and Angelica:


 angelica's first attempt to talk to Fatal what a major fail

 sasha as a mermaid


 your typical retard...yup


 meadow now

these are the brusies that meadow has

  her hair is pink from blood....this was done today at 8:09 tuesday.
 young teenager meadow just been beaten up then thrown into a river.

 windstorms Godess side her and moonstar feel meadows pain and something eles they wont say.

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