Saturday, March 17, 2012

                                                       Big Rock creek it was COLD!
                                                       out shooting ^.^ deadly at 300 yards
                                                                     cart ride a dana point
                                                                       13th birthday
                                                                 sophies 1st fishy! ^.^.
fresh Mexican fish!
my daddy is an evil cold blooded killer!!!
5 grade graduation
kidergarden graduation
idk if you can see but i tried to put make up on like mommy...of corse my father took a picture of it....
AHHHH! SPIDER!! cowgirl uniform... 4 grade talent show...
PRINCESS!!! =*( i miss her...


  1. omg i LOVE your pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it must have been alot fun, i wish i could do something like that ;) miss you little blondie cant wait 2 see u when spring break is over =D

  2. thanks so much guys i miss BOTH OF U! im coming down to your house on wensday cheypie. and ill text u tonight rosey i cant till school ! thanks again =)
