Thursday, January 24, 2013

being bipolar sucks

Anya's crush and her were secretly dating but her bipolar side started to come out and the boy did get a chance to get away. The boy was on anya's hit list so outside stabbed him with 4 different knives at once all different blade/length type. At the same time he kissed her and Anastasia took over to see a dying boyfriend of hers. she took on his ingures to save him but it was to late. so she leaves that place in shock(emonotionless 4 that momment) then she saw her mother, Johana with a shot gun bulett i her head and claws down her back. Anya took those ingrures also her mother is in a coma.
 thats them

if you have someone out that you love hold at least one more time because time is short.
drunks... haha i am surprised joker didnt like this more or he was surprised by who it was

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