windstorm had the rape/experiment baby,THEN AN IDIOT AGED IT! it attacked sunstripe then ran off leaving windstorm parazlyed for some reason, shes okay now.... the boy has a permentant smile on his face the kid looked scared and confused maybe its programed or something but we might be able to fix it {says windy} but i say find it. kill it. stop calling him an it, erica...
okay windstorm...dint get to many feelings for i-i mean him, kid windstorm training senor year windstorm old pic of windy and windstorm "working"
opps i thought u said 'do post the picture' =]
what haoppens when u try to dress up johanna into a bad girl BLOODIE BASEBALL BAT MADNESS!she can make it look cute as fuck
how gave her chocolate? she cleaned sunstripes motorcycle and he let her have a ride she went to the roof of her dorm and found a garden of red roses and one pot of her favorite flower.. the Geissorhiza Mathewsii a very very rare flower
but whose the guy walking towards her? is he gonna talk to her? johannas wolf form/ wolf she can physically meet and ride her wolf form if u make johannas emotion to high(pleasure, happiness, love, sadness, depression, anger, etc.) her wolf will appear somewhere near her depends on what emotion Johanna feels. the farest the wolf will go is a room away thats it.
johanna, her cat birdie, and her friend Seeking cuddle partner
must enjoy:
*moives in bed
(with possible kiss)
que lindo..
dorm room couch moments...
Johanna stopped at the castle to get a new asthma inhaler but decided to act in her royalest way and when Princess Heather asked who taught her and she said, "My lady Blackrose, of course." then bowed before Princess Heather. she also said, " She brought out what little of royal blood I have, your highness"
talk about kiss butt, but i think the royal family might have liked that
Windstorms wings look like they had snow falling of them the gold glow is because her 'Radiance' is being reflected of the sun it doesn't always glow
Johanna's volleyball team(can u guess which ones her?)
amazing wings!!!! that is child... duh...welll.. i dont know who's..... but the parents would have to be or have angel blood in them, or godess blood or both? i'm not helping much -.- well thats in the future so no worry
play boy windstorm!!!
Jo:who stolemycOOKIES....?
Me:lol chill. deffiently sunstripes child
*johanna jumps on my head(look at picture i will bring tomorrw)*
Jo: >:) NOM NOM NOM!!! U STOLE MY CUPCAKE COOKIES!! 0-0*get of my head-OW!*
Johanna, Lexi, Monte, Seth, Chad, 3 others u guys dont know
Crazy game.... crazy game...
windstorms new look i could see jo dragging anybody somewhere lol (wow she looks alot like her mama) girls school uniform:pink shirt, blue tie &blue skirt(NOT JOHANNA RANDOM PERSON) boys unifrom: blue tie, white shirt, black or blue pants(RANDOM PERSON) whos in the room with serentiy...? i think i know who kid pic of blackrose! she punched this guy in the gut i guess it was that random classic, girl bets guy at video games btw who is the girl, reminds me of luna =) cute dress shana!! tests shuck azz dont they? lol ABC'S...i bet u that the person is Either windstorm, blackrose, in kinder garden X) blonde moment struggle!! sunstripe i believe
the mutant inside windstorm did something so shocking to windstrom that she almost stabbed her tummy her loving hubby stopped her in trouble much Alex? if i had to guess Erica would be trying to give you extra strength Viagra, comment if im right