Wednesday, October 31, 2012

stuff ugh title here whatever read

Johanna's new look i like it she is looking through a mirror (no she is not goth she wears different colors)
she had a boy named Ace and a girl named Anastasia.
poor luna had twins one was a stillbirth
Johanna is probably gonna end like blackrose
1) she is being trained by blackrose
2) she is a nice girl with deep secrets she doesn't tell
she is leaving tonight out of town she'll stay in contact with us still and the kids will be able to posses the body. she says if seth tries to find her she will not allow the kids to posses the body which is  the only way they can talk to their father and its there choice
they are 6 it was the oldest i(erica) could age them up to Anya has ashy blonde hair and the boy has brown hair with a few blonde streaks when it will sometimes look fully blonde but most of the time it will look brown. Ace got johannas eyes and Anya got seth's eyes. yes the girl needs glasses not the boy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WARNING: iam bored this page is random pictures of stuff some most haveno names

this guy looks yummy and he doesnt do drugs to look good either...well he smokes but thats it.
lol... i think that is jo and seth.. idk 4 sure
girl: what's this...
boy: a branch.
girl: no what type?
boy: not one you can eat.
girl: v-v but im hungry
boy:  :] i know something u could suck on...
girl: ^-^ oooo! is it a loolipop?
boy: *sigh* nevermind
girl: )= but i dont get it...

pretty future wedding...weddings are prettyful... thats why i like to CRASH THEM DRUNK AS HELL ^-^

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

dead man

yup so pretty much everyone knows what happened to Johanna and  that some motherfuker is gonna be tortertured to death be me, windstorm. i know that seth and sunstripe are pretty pissed about it too. well i came home to an almost dead guy in in the house and passed out johanna. her darkside got control of the godess blood and sucked everysingle drop of water out of the guys body exsect around the heart and most of the brain. talk about torture. That s my baby girl!!! plus regular  johanna got him pretty good and bloody with a hot frying pan. DONT PISS A WOMAN OF WHEN SHE IS COOKING!!! but he is still alive and i will find him. if not, some one else will... and i know youll see these, you can't run from me and you cant hide from us. cause u messed with the daughter of windstorm, best friend of Blackrose, Blackroses whole family and Seth [ps u shouldnt have messed with him] u dont rape my daughter and YOU DONT THERATEN US WITH PEATY WAYS OF DEATH U PUNY ASS BITCH!!!

oh and johannas wings are pixeish, cute right?
 goddess/battle uniform {i almost feel bad for the guys that will fight her... her uniform is pretty distracting}
if u get her pissed enough this glow goes around her then she is changed and ready to fight. i know because i asked her what happened and she went battle mode
old kagome can still fight!
mad{not pissed just normal mad}johanna

Monday, October 15, 2012

True or false

Sometimes you must lie to protect the ones you love.....sometimes you have to take out the trash yourself because don't want others to worry, you want them to be happy. Family, its a center of love and create more love right? Doesn't a mother love her child? Noone said anything would be easy, but its common sense that some stuff, you have to do on your own.

oh and christina.....
U POST ALOT OF FUCKING PICTURES GIRL! damn as soon as u get in a relationship the first thing u have to do is post i know how u feel :P
cute pics Johanna now TELL ME whats wrong!!

o-o nothing X)dont worry!

yes, yes i fucking worry CAUSE YOUR MY KID AND THATS WHY i just cofused my self :/

nothings wrong

then swear it

FUCK i sweared :)

dont be smart with  me young lady

.-. ._. .-. oh what did u say? i was rolling around.



>=/ u heard me. now get your ass home so u can tell me how your trying to protect.

-.- *sigh* :) i know these pictures will makes u feel better!

yes, now go home Johanna!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

pics & costumes of people

johanna in pj's[but seth already would know what they look like]hard day of work windy?did sunstripe help u feel better ? hahah
bet u anything that this is one of blackroses old stripper costumes
i finally made johanna look decently evil!! btw this is her hollowenn costume choice #1 yes even the flying broom
hollow eaves costume #2
tell which looks better u dont have to comment u could tell me any time u want
emotionless mellisa....pose! ;)
kon i think
i saw this and i said "Blackrose, and her present would jump out of the box and eat you."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Put Your Title Here

johanna pounced on seth {lol get it?}
johannas "bad girl" side
seths hair turns white when he is innocent
johannas hair turns white when she becomes a bitch

fell asleep in a tree i see

JO:-.- i didnt wanna be in the house that night, Kit-Kat was .... busy and well i thought i would wait for kit kat to be done.

ME(erica):that took a long time didnt it. it was a "busy" night for alot of people and you almost gave in to seth that night

JO:o.o no.....i mean yeah it was a busy night for other people...just shut up....

i will draw pictures tonight! and not stupid stick figure ones either now lets end this post amazingly